DeVere 515H 12"x15" Horizontal Enlarger


12"x15" format
horizontal enlarger



The 515H was designed to provide a large format mural enlarger accommodating 35mm to 12"x15" negatives at moderate cost.  As such, there was the full range of DeVere light sources available, and the unit could be converted to copy camera use.  

The 515H was essentially replaced in the DeVere line by the 3040 Metro.


2165 120V Motorized Horizontal Enlarger Chassis (with internal stabilizer) D
2160 240V Motorized Horizontal Enlarger Chassis (with internal stabilizer) D


2161 1200W 240V Dichromat Head  C
1666 1200W 240V Closed Loop Dichromat Head
2106 240V Varicon 5"x7" lamphouse less condensers
2617 240mm condenser lens assembly for Varicon Head
2614 180mm condenser lens assembly for Varicon Head
2615 120mm condenser lens assembly for Varicon Head
2616 100mm condenser lens assembly for Varicon Head
1950 Point Source Conversion Kit for Varicon Head D
2010 240V Cathomag 5"x7" cold cathode lamphouse  C
2018 1200W 240V Difcon lamphouse  

Negative Carriers 

2162 12"x15" Universal Glass Negative Carrier DL
2163 8"x10" Master Negative Carrier   C
2008 5"x7" Glass Negative Mask for 2163 (old type) D
2045 5"x7" Glass Negative Mask for 2163 (new type) C
2009 Small Format Adapter for 2163 C
1910 4"x5" Cut Film Negative Mask for 2009 C
1911 9x12cm Cut Film Negative Mask for 2009 C
1912 6x9cm Roll Film Negative Mask for 2009 C
1919 6x7cm Roll Film Negative Mask for 2009 C
1913 6x6cm Roll Film Negative Mask for 2009 C
1967 6x4.5cm Roll Film Negative Mask for 2009 C
1914 35mm Roll Film Negative Mask for 2009 C
1957 35mm Mounted Transparency Mask for 2009 C
1940 Custom Mask, made to order for 2009 C
2011 Pin Registered 8"x10" Master Negative Carrier D
2014 8"x10" Negative Carrier Glass for 2107 Carrier C
2013 8"x10" Anti-Newton Glass for 2107 Carrier C
1514 5"x7" Negative Carrier Glass for 2008 Mask  (12.5cm x 17.5cm) C
2623 5"x7" Anti-Newton Glass for 2008 Mask  (12.5cm x 17.5cm) C
1515 5"x7" Negative Carrier Glass for 2045 Mask  (14cm x 19cm) C
2677 5"x7" Anti-Newton Glass for 2045 Mask  (14cm x 19cm) C
1915 4"x5" Negative Carrier Glass for 2009 Adapter C
1970 4"x5" Anti-Newton Glass for 2009 Adapter C

Lens Mounts

1922 3" Recess Lens Mount for 50-90mm lenses - Blank  C
1977 3" Recess Lens Mount with 39mm Leica thread C
2029 1½" Recess Lens Mount for 80-90mm lenses with 39mm Leica thread D
1921 Flat Lens Mount for 90-240mm lenses - Blank  C
1973 Flat Lens Mount with 39mm Leica thread C
1974 Flat Lens Mount with 50mm thread C
2012 Extended Lens Mount for 300mm and shutter lenses - Blank  C
1923 Lens Mount Extension Tube  (for reductions) C
1985  Extended Lens Mount with 39mm Leica thread  (for reductions) C
1971 Adapter for Durst lensboards C


2521 1.5 metre track module
2522 1.0 metre track module extension
2523 1.5 metre track module extension
8011 1.5 metre Heavy Duty Front Track Module C
8052 1.5 metre Heavy Duty Rear Track Module
8013 1.0 metre Track Module Extension
8012 1.5 metre Track Module Extension
8057 1.5 metre Front Boxing-in Kit for 8011
8058 1.5 metre Rear Boxing-in Kit for 8052
8055 1 metre Boxing-in Kit for 8013
8054 1.5 metre Boxing-in Kit for 8012
2103 8"x10" Copy Adapter Kit
1102 8"x10" Springback O
1105 5"x7" Springback O
1106 4"x5" Springback  (also accepts standard roll film backs) O
4806 8"x10" Springback C
4807 5"x7" Springback C
4808 4"x5" Springback  (also accepts standard roll film backs) C
2005 8"x10" Light Collecting Box for Dichromat Head  (replacement) C
2043 8"x10" Light Collecting Box for Closed Loop Dichromat Head  (replacement) C
2028 240mm Light Collecting Box for Dichromat Head   C
2006 5"x5" Light Collecting Box for Dichromat Head C
2042 5"x5" Light Collecting Box for Closed Loop Dichromat Head C
2019 6x7cm Light Collecting Box for Dichromat Head  C
2041 6x7cm Light Collecting Box for Closed Loop Dichromat Head  C
3849 Density Probe for Closed Loop Dichromat Head C
2023 Large Swingaway Amber Filter with mounting post
2024 Large Swingaway Red Filter with mounting post C


2016 ELH Lamp for Dichomat and Difcon lamphouses C
1522 PH 2120 150W 240V Enlarging Lamp for Varicon lamphouse C
2015 Cold Cathode Tube for Cathomag Lamphouse
1521 6V 48W Point Source Lamp


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The De Vere name and trademarks are the property of Odyssey Sales.  All rights reserved.